Sunday, 8 July 2012

Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hands, and if he is not able to do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.

Main Teachings:
Available in the purchased version
How Muslims can put into Action:
A Muslim must act in defense of what is right and oppose what is wrong. Our society is full of social evils like corruption, lie, electricity and gas theft, negligence from duty and violation of laws. It is incumbent on everyman to stop these wicked deeds according to the capacity he is having. Denouncing or stopping sins is linked with the ability to do so, but disapproving them with the heart is a must for all Muslims regardless of ability. If a heart is senseless, it has lost its faith.  A Muslim should constantly try to improve his capacity so as to deal with criminal circumstances with tongue or hands .A Muslim should also feel compassion towards his brothers. By stopping them from committing wrongs, they will be saved from Allah's punishment.
To accept sins is the most hideous of all prohibitions. Every person should hate evils and do every possible effort to change them. If wrongdoings are left unattended, they give way to other evils. On the other hand, spreading virtues and nipping evils would cause the society to flourish.

For details click on "Guides"


  1. why u add paid version it will decrease your rating probably we will have to shift to other site

  2. don't make it paid version and earn some blessings of god
