Sunday, 8 July 2012

It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard in the way of Allah with his person and his property.’

Main Teachings:
This hadith encourages people to fight in the way of Allah for the supremacy of His religion. Islam wants to bring maximum people under its umbrella of peace and goodwill. It orders its followers to liberate the helpless from the atrocities and oppressions of barbarians. A person who is always ready to sacrifice his person, property and even life for the achievement of these goals is said to be the best of believers.  The Prophet (PBUH) said, “A single endeavor of fighting in Allah's cause is better than the world and whatever is in it." (Bukhari) Striving hard has a broad meaning. It also applies to the welfare of the community and spreading of Islam.
How Muslims can put into Action:
There should be no worldly motives. Fighting for Allah's cause necessitates true and sincere faith. Jihad is not simply a brutal fight, its purpose is to restore peace and freedom for the worship of Allah under pre-defined limits - a Muslim should always obey his commander and follow discipline, nor molesting women, children and old men, nor cut down trees and crops, nor killing those who have taken refuge in their homes, nor withholding peace from enemies when they come to negotiation. The captives must be treated according to the instruction given by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
A person may also perform Jihad with his wealth and this may take different forms. He can supply arms and ammunitions to the fighters performing Jihad or spend wealth for spreading Islam or for societal development. Regarding welfare of the society, a Muslim should develop schools, hospitals and should help the needy people. He should generously donate towards the victims of natural disasters like floods and earthquakes. Rich people can use their wealth while scholars can use their pen and preachers their voices to persuade people on taking active part in the noble deeds.


  1. u have written absolutely perfectly but there is one thing i wanna mention as a cambridge student i know this that there needs to be more sayings included within this hadith....

    with best wishes,
    to: The author (Hamza)

  2. According to my opinion this is very nice answer, but the references are not enough in both parts.
