Wednesday 14 March 2012

Why have regional languages been promoted by the Pakistan government since 1947? [7] (Past Paper, October 2009: Q2/b)

It is the responsibility of all political powers to transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, writing systems and literatures. Language is the most important element of life for preserving everything of historical importance e.g. local culture, art, traditions, poetry, stories, music, letters, theatrical performances, ceremonies, special events, rituals and family values. Promotion of regional languages is therefore important for preserving such vital components of local life.

Our Native languages have been in oral use since centuries followed by development of written texts. These languages contain generations of wisdom e.g. child rearing skills, curing illnesses, acquiring food and settling disputes. If a language is lost, much of the knowledge it contains will also be lost. Therefore, the government must implement successful programs to promote local languages and protect them from disappearing. 

Mother tongue provides identity to its speakers. It transmits family values from generation to generation. People have strong attachment with their native languages. Survival of its speech communities is linked with their languages. It is therefore the collective responsibility of involved authorities to protect the people whose languages are becoming endangered.

Coming to modern era, private schools concentrate on English language and western curriculum resulting in the erosion of language and culture. Native languages are vulnerable to “English language invasion.” We are confronted with the problem of language shift. Under such circumstances it is incumbent on the government to revive and preserve our regional languages in all atmospheres of life with special emphasis in academic frameworks and public offices.

Many people love to watch dramas, talk shows and other TV programs in their native languages. They like to hear local music. A number of local TV broadcasts on agricultural methods, livestock rearing, poultry farming and fish farming are highly appreciated in the rural areas. TV and radio programs in local languages play pivotal role skill-building of the nation. Being most easily understood, sometimes teachers can use native languages for instructions in the classrooms.


  1. Replies
    1. i just ant to have sex with your Mama and your tight pussy sister

    2. that is such shit .atlest learn manners for others and ur mothers and sisters sake

  2. Won't get excellent marks though

    1. such sucker man this is a good answer
      fuck your mama then instead

  3. Is this answer appropriate according to cie marking scheme?

    1. fuck your mama harcore
      this is a good answer

  4. Mother fucking bad answer

  5. nigga get a life

  6. not too helpful if you want to get good grade but it has some information which can be relatable to the question.

  7. Its not an answer for a CIE exam only singular point had been repeated gain and again and are not answered logically. Instead the three main reasons to promote these languages were as follows:
    1) TO preserve the writings and poetry of famous writers
    2)TO maintain the languages as they had played a part in uniting the community against the British rule.
    3)At that time languages like Balochi were at the brisk of declining.

    1. National unity and integrity
      Keep language and literature alive
      Sense of pride
      Address issue of identity crisis

      Alternate points for this answer

  8. Bruh what a shitty question!

  9. why have regional languages been promoted by pakistan government since 1947

    The promotion of regional languages by the Pakistan government since 1947 can be attributed to several reasons. One of the primary reasons is to recognize and celebrate the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country. Pakistan is home to many different ethnic groups, each with its own language and culture. Recognizing and promoting these languages helps to foster a sense of national unity and inclusiveness.

    Additionally, promoting regional languages has been seen as a way to provide access to education and government services in the local languages. Prior to the promotion of regional languages, Urdu was the official language of Pakistan and was used in education and government. However, many people in Pakistan do not speak Urdu as their first language, and as a result, they faced challenges in accessing education and government services. By promoting regional languages and using them in education and government, Pakistan has been able to increase access and improve outcomes for these communities.

    Furthermore, promoting regional languages has also been seen as a way to preserve and promote Pakistan's rich linguistic and cultural heritage. Many of these languages have a long history and are an important part of Pakistan's cultural identity. By promoting and preserving these languages, Pakistan can help to ensure that they continue to be passed down to future generations.

    Overall, the promotion of regional languages in Pakistan has been driven by a desire to recognize and celebrate the country's linguistic and cultural diversity, increase access to education and government services, and preserve and promote its rich heritage.

  10. why have regional languages been promoted by pakistan government since 1947

    The promotion of regional languages in Pakistan by the government since 1947 has been driven by various factors, including cultural diversity, linguistic identity, and the desire to create a more inclusive and democratic society.

    One of the main reasons for promoting regional languages in Pakistan is to celebrate and preserve cultural diversity. Pakistan is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage, and regional languages are an integral part of this heritage. By promoting regional languages, the government aims to preserve and celebrate the unique cultural identities of various regions of the country, which can help to foster a sense of national unity and pride.

    Another reason for promoting regional languages is to ensure that all citizens have equal access to education and other opportunities. In Pakistan, Urdu has traditionally been the dominant language of education and administration, but this has left many people who speak other languages at a disadvantage. By promoting regional languages, the government aims to ensure that all citizens have access to education and other opportunities in their native languages.

    Promoting regional languages is also seen as a way to strengthen democracy and promote social justice. Regional languages are often associated with marginalized communities, and promoting these languages can help to empower these communities and give them a greater voice in society. By promoting regional languages, the government aims to create a more inclusive and democratic society where all citizens have equal rights and opportunities.

    Furthermore, the promotion of regional languages is also a way to address the issue of language discrimination. In the past, the dominance of Urdu in education and administration has resulted in the marginalization of other languages and communities. By promoting regional languages, the government aims to address this issue and create a more equitable and just society.

    Overall, the promotion of regional languages in Pakistan by the government is driven by a desire to celebrate cultural diversity, ensure equal access to education and opportunities, empower marginalized communities, and create a more inclusive and democratic society.
