Tuesday, 10 July 2012

‘I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.

Main Teachings:
Available in the purchased version
How Muslims can put into Action:
A Muslim can give food, clothing, shelter and financial assistance to orphans. These are deeds of great virtue and will take him closer to Allah. If an orphan's father was in debt, the lender should exonerate it but if he is reluctant in letting off, another person should pay to him. Rich people should pay for their educational expenditures so that they become useful part of the society. They should pay for their medical expenditures when they become ill.
It is incumbent on the patron of an orphan to treat him with kindness and mildness and protect him from the cruelties of the society. The property of minor orphans should be protected and returned them back when they attain maturity. One can invest their wealth sincerely in legal business if he has the relevant skills, and can take part from the profits made. The patron is thus having better world and better Hereafter.
When it comes to orphan girls, a Muslim should make arrangements for their marriages with best matching persons. He should generously donate towards their dowries.

For details click on "Guides"

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