Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Al-Kawthar and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:
Available in the purchased version
Importance in a Muslim's Life:
This Surah assures that Allah always helps His men if they are struggling for a noble cause. He protects them and fills their hearts with courage during hardships, and will reward them for their sufferings in the Hereafter. If they stay committed with their noble mission, Allah will take them out of the whirlpool of troubles and will ultimately give them victory.
Kauthar refers to the unbounded goodness. It includes the gift of Tauhid, devoted followers for preaching the message of Truth, victory of mission during his life, descendents from his daughter, Fatima, a river in the paradise and many more. It is also a fountain wherefrom the Prophet (PBUH) will fetch water to his true followers on the Day of Resurrection.
This Surah also gives a guideline to the Muslims about what to do during harsh times. The formula is that they can obtain steadfastness through prayers and sacrifices, performed only to Allah. Sacrifices are the bearing of hardships in His Way, showing patience when faced with difficulties, giving charities to the poor and slaughtering permitted animals and distributing their meat among the people.

For details click on "Guides"

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