Thursday, 28 June 2012

Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Fatiha and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

This Surah is in fact a prayer to the Lord of the universe for seeking guidance to the straight path Who alone can grant it. He alone is worthy of worship and He alone is to be asked for help because He is the Cherisher and the Master of everything in the universe. He is All-Merciful and has bestowed countless of bounties on His creatures, but at the same time He is the supreme Justice and everybody will have to answer Him on the Day of Judgement for his worldly deeds. When believers implore for the straight path, He always showers blessings on them and protects them from going astray.  Supplication is the core of worship and the Holy Quran encourages the believers for petitioning, “And your Lord said: Invoke Me, I will respond to your supplication…” (40:60). 

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:
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