Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Why do some legal scholars reject the use of analogy (qiyas)? [4]

Analogy (qiyas) is the fourth source of Islamic law that is used when the primary sources are silent about a newly appeared issue. However some scholars reject its use on the following basis.
1. There is detailed description of everything in the Quran so there is no need to follow another source. "...And We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'an) as an exposition of everything..." (Nahl: 89).
2. Resolution of issues through Qiyas takes precedence over Allah and His Messenger which is forbidden in the Quran. "O you who believe! Do not put (yourselves) forward before Allah and His Messenger..." (Hujuraat: 1)
3. Qiyas is conjecture which gives no benefit against the truth. "And most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Certainly, conjecture can be of no avail against the truth..." (Yunus: 36)
4. We are bound to decide among the people with what Allah has revealed and solutions through qiyas are not revealed by Allah. "And so judge (you O Muhammad ) between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires..." (Ma'idah: 49).


  1. Can u answer this question in the Cielo format using three different points and middling with one reference thank u

  2. Replies
    1. Seriously! can you do better?����

  3. Satisfactory...
    First point was still logical...
    other three points make no sense...

  4. can u explain the last point

  5. Very helpful thank you!!!

  6. thanks it was very helpful fro my online paper

  7. Useful Info but if we add another point :
    Mostly Qiyas fails due to Linking cause or in other words Mostly we do mistakes in performing/observing Qiyas

  8. It is also rejected because Qiyas is usually done by one scholar and so scholars believe that since he is human it is possible for him to accidentally pass an inaccurate judgment or there may be chances that his character is not pious enough to be able to pass a judgment on Islamic matters. (points from a qualified and experienced o levels Islamiyat teacher)

  9. I wrote that qiyas is not acceptable because it causes conflicts btw different muslim community like sunni shia wahabi and etc
